Wednesday, May 6, 2009

San Francisco

This last weekend I helped chaperone Nash's Choralier Trip to the Heritage Gold Festival in San Francisco.
We had a wonderful time sightseeing, shopping, and eating!
On Thursday we took a trolley and headed up to Lombard Street, or the crooked road;

Then we headed to China Town for some shopping;

We found a lot of great souveniers. It must have been market day, there were alot of trucks bringing in fresh fruit and fish. We saw some interesting things to eat! Stuff that I don't think I will mention!
We then went to the Embarcedero where we caught the F-line (cable car) and headed back to Fisherman's Wharf for lunch.

After lunch we took a bus to the Golden Gate Bridge, where we walked along the bridge. The views of the city were fantastic!

On Friday morning we walked up to Ghiradelli Chocolate Factory to taste the goodies there. Who can resist chocolate?

Then we had to leave to St. Ignatius Church for the Choraliers' Festival performances, where they took 3rd place out of thirteen schools. Congratulations Elko High!

Saturday gave us some more time shopping. We spent most of the day at Pier 39.

P.S. We also saw the Broadway musical "Wicked" which was awesome!
I am ready to go back and see it again! Anyone want to join me?


Suz said...

I would so go with you in a heart beat! Let me know when and where!! Whitney said your family was going to fly to San Fransisco to go see "Wicked" again. Is this true?

Vicki said...

I am trying to convince Jason into it. But it would be just he and I. Although Nash said if I go I would have to take him too! I said "get a job!"
Seriously I would love to go again!