Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our Memorial Day Weekend

For the last couple of years our friends, the Frandsen's have invited us to go with them on their annual weekend at Nat-Soo-Pah, a hotsprings/campground in Idaho. We have always had stuff going on, so this year we finally had the chance to go and we had a great time.
The boys swam in the pool alot!

On Sunday we took a drive to Balanced Rock, where the kids all hiked up to the top;

Then we went to Clear Springs fish hatchery and had a picnic in their beautiful picnic area;

We checked out the Trout and HUGE Sturgeon fish in the pond;

Then we took a drive to see Thousand Springs;

And the Falls;

Two nights we were rained on so the little boys gathered in the trailer to watch a movie;

While we were out cooking dinner in the dutch ovens;

Monday turned out to be beautiful,so we all went swimming again before heading home;

We had a great time and will be going again next year!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Brad's Mission Call

We are so excited! Our oldest son, Brad, just recieved his mission call this week to go to the Columbus Ohio Mission. He reports to the MTC on August 12th.
As a parent raising four boys in the world today, I have hoped and prayed that I have done the right things in teaching my boys the gospel. Helping their testimonies grow and giving them a love for the gospel and a desire to serve the Lord. Your greatest hope is that they will chose to serve a mission. It gives me peace in my heart to know that Brad does have that desire to Serve the Lord.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

San Francisco

This last weekend I helped chaperone Nash's Choralier Trip to the Heritage Gold Festival in San Francisco.
We had a wonderful time sightseeing, shopping, and eating!
On Thursday we took a trolley and headed up to Lombard Street, or the crooked road;

Then we headed to China Town for some shopping;

We found a lot of great souveniers. It must have been market day, there were alot of trucks bringing in fresh fruit and fish. We saw some interesting things to eat! Stuff that I don't think I will mention!
We then went to the Embarcedero where we caught the F-line (cable car) and headed back to Fisherman's Wharf for lunch.

After lunch we took a bus to the Golden Gate Bridge, where we walked along the bridge. The views of the city were fantastic!

On Friday morning we walked up to Ghiradelli Chocolate Factory to taste the goodies there. Who can resist chocolate?

Then we had to leave to St. Ignatius Church for the Choraliers' Festival performances, where they took 3rd place out of thirteen schools. Congratulations Elko High!

Saturday gave us some more time shopping. We spent most of the day at Pier 39.

P.S. We also saw the Broadway musical "Wicked" which was awesome!
I am ready to go back and see it again! Anyone want to join me?